Which bandmember of A7x are you?
Matt Sanders aka M Shadows
[ ] You work out… a lot.
[/] You are in or have been in a long term relationship. (Define long term)
[ ] You have an obsession with Guns N Roses.
[ ] Your arms tend to bulge out of your t-shirts.
[ ] You tend to bulge in other… areas.
[ ] You are often seen in a trucker hat.
[X] You love sushi.
[ ] You have a slight anger problem.
[ ] You have or have wanted to purchase grillz.
[/] You’re really just a big teddy bear. (Big? No, but Teddybear, Yes!)
Total: 2
Jimmy Sullivan aka The Rev
[X] You’re a little crazy.
[ ] You’re really tall.
[ ] People often compliment your eyes.
[ ] You are or were once heavily addicted to drugs.
[ ] You’d rather get a name tattooed on your finger rather than an engagement ring.
[ ] You’ve lived in a laundromat/car/empty store/all three.
[ ] You’ve woken up naked and not known where you were.
[ ] You’ve been to jail more than seven times.
[X] You have numerous musical talents. (Some people would say, so I guess)
Total: 2
Brian Haner Jr. aka. Synyster Gates
[X] You spend more time on your hair than anything else.
[ ] You smoke/drink a lot.
[X] You do or have painted your nails sparkly black.
[X] People often accuse you of being gay.
[X] You’re close with your father.
[X] You’re the hotter sibling. (Don't tell my sis)
[ ] You and your best friend get into trouble a lot.
[X] People tend to compliment your bone structure. (Wierdly enough)
[ ] You’re too pretty to be on this planet. (I so want to say yes! ....but no)
[ ] Your favorite color is purple.
Total: 6
Zack Baker aka Zacky Vengeance
[X] You tend to dye your hair a lot.
[ ] You love twinkies.
[ ] You’re a little on the chubby side.
[X] You love to meet new people.
[ ] Bow ties are your best friends.
[ ] You love baseball.
[ ] You’re quite the snazzy dresser.
[X] You don’t like sunlight.
[ ] You’re left handed.
[X] You tend to wear pants that are a little tight.
Total: 4
Johnny Seward aka Johnny Christ
[ ] You’re often referred to as a gnome because of your height.
[ ] You’re the shortest and the youngest of all your friends.
[X] You sleep a lot.
[ ] You like to drink a lot.
[ ] You have/had an amazing mohawk.
[ ] You get bullied by your friends a lot.
[X] You like to make a lot of stupid jokes.
[ ] You’re the nicest and give the best hugs of all your friends.
[ ] You’re beer wine.

Blev också Synyster ;) ace!
Snygg gitarrn :P