Dudes and dudettes
peace out!
Titta va Vicki hitta!

Du tror inte jag blev lite "ZOMG, ZOMG, ZOMG" när jag såg den här bilden eller!? Vem har varit utklädd till sweeney todd 2 gånger innan hon såg dehär, JO JAG!!!

Så skadat läskigt!
Nu är de bättre, dock är jag fortfarande skakig och illamående, blir nog att stanna i sängen hela kvällen...
Feels like a lot of my topics starts with "Hmmm...."
Na Na Na (Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na)
Tror aldrig jag har varit så glad att slippa fara till stallet, jag kanske lyckas få lite matte gjord = Inte IG på provet! :D De gick inga bra bussar idag så jag var tvungen att släpa omkring på 2 extremt tunga väskor, tänkte att jag kunde använda tiden till att titta på halsdukar, men hitta jag någon sådan? Nej! Hur mycket pengar spenderade jag? 50kr :] Hur kommer de sig? Jamen, jag kom ju på att presspoint fick leverans av Kerrang idag och world exlusive intervju med My Chem! :D Vissa saker kan man ju helt enkelt inte motstå!

I'm Not Okay (I Promise)

För er fuckers som inte sett mitt hår! Nu syns de inte så bra ifs, men svart äre iallafall! :]
For every kid who's fucked up as me

Hmm, cupcakes?
Dagen har spenderats i studion! Eller ja, mitt hemmamek till studio! Jag blir aldrig nöjd med någonting! Helt ärligt förstår jag inte människor som säger att jag sjunger bra, varför kan jag inte höra de själv? Alltså sjunga kan jag väl, men inte bättre än för till hemmabruk. Hoppas jag kan bli tillräckligt nöjd med något i framtiden så ni kan få lyssna lite iallafall! :) Men duscha och sånt har jag inte hunnit göra idag så ni vet vad de kommer bli för bild... Hihi, här kommer de... :]

Yeah the titel didn't really have anything to do with the text...
True Story

The titel says it!
Mycket Synyster Gates och Sevenfold på sista tiden, i know... I'm not sorry :] Min kväll har iallafall underhållts med att jag hittade världens bästa sida med bilder på Syn :o Så vid bildbrist så vet ni vad ni kommer få se, aight? ;)
Peace out fuckers
Which bandmember of A7x are you?
Matt Sanders aka M Shadows
[ ] You work out… a lot.
[/] You are in or have been in a long term relationship. (Define long term)
[ ] You have an obsession with Guns N Roses.
[ ] Your arms tend to bulge out of your t-shirts.
[ ] You tend to bulge in other… areas.
[ ] You are often seen in a trucker hat.
[X] You love sushi.
[ ] You have a slight anger problem.
[ ] You have or have wanted to purchase grillz.
[/] You’re really just a big teddy bear. (Big? No, but Teddybear, Yes!)
Total: 2
Jimmy Sullivan aka The Rev
[X] You’re a little crazy.
[ ] You’re really tall.
[ ] People often compliment your eyes.
[ ] You are or were once heavily addicted to drugs.
[ ] You’d rather get a name tattooed on your finger rather than an engagement ring.
[ ] You’ve lived in a laundromat/car/empty store/all three.
[ ] You’ve woken up naked and not known where you were.
[ ] You’ve been to jail more than seven times.
[X] You have numerous musical talents. (Some people would say, so I guess)
Total: 2
Brian Haner Jr. aka. Synyster Gates
[X] You spend more time on your hair than anything else.
[ ] You smoke/drink a lot.
[X] You do or have painted your nails sparkly black.
[X] People often accuse you of being gay.
[X] You’re close with your father.
[X] You’re the hotter sibling. (Don't tell my sis)
[ ] You and your best friend get into trouble a lot.
[X] People tend to compliment your bone structure. (Wierdly enough)
[ ] You’re too pretty to be on this planet. (I so want to say yes! ....but no)
[ ] Your favorite color is purple.
Total: 6
Zack Baker aka Zacky Vengeance
[X] You tend to dye your hair a lot.
[ ] You love twinkies.
[ ] You’re a little on the chubby side.
[X] You love to meet new people.
[ ] Bow ties are your best friends.
[ ] You love baseball.
[ ] You’re quite the snazzy dresser.
[X] You don’t like sunlight.
[ ] You’re left handed.
[X] You tend to wear pants that are a little tight.
Total: 4
Johnny Seward aka Johnny Christ
[ ] You’re often referred to as a gnome because of your height.
[ ] You’re the shortest and the youngest of all your friends.
[X] You sleep a lot.
[ ] You like to drink a lot.
[ ] You have/had an amazing mohawk.
[ ] You get bullied by your friends a lot.
[X] You like to make a lot of stupid jokes.
[ ] You’re the nicest and give the best hugs of all your friends.
[ ] You’re beer wine.

The quote of the night
Synyster Gates: Money, Drugs, Women, Alcohol and...ehmm, you have a lot of time to learn other languages.
Interviewer: Like what?
Synyster Gates: Spanish!
Interviewer: What are some other things you like about being on tour?
Synyster Gates: Drugs, Alcohol, Women, Fast Cars and...eh, Dynamite!
Interviewer: Did you do all this in one day?
Synyster Gates: No, just Dynamite!
Man måste ju älska mannen!